Banner by SRoni
Notes on an Opera Program
by Aadler
Copyright June 2003
Disclaimer: Characters from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel: the Series are property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, Kuzui Enterprises, Sandollar Television, the WB, and UPN.
To Do:
conf 9AM take extra blouse, deodorant try to sched in-office massage bef. noon Camber-Pyclet mtg 1PM cashiers chk & surveil. photos, sep. folders (reserve VB, in case neither is enough? consult HM) new enclave of Kungr worth acquiring as clients? ck Dichaltus Compendium send for dry-cleaning before 2PM arrange to have office swept ditto car ditto apartment arrange to have sweepers vetted follow FtS case thru pleading? no current advantage, no visible future use think on it at least 30 min. at range .32, .38, 10mm Current Impressions:
HM avuncular, no tolerance, heart pumps ice water leaning toward LMc (I think) but can still be swayed sex a desperation move (inadvisable) but keep in reserve LMc hard, focused, soulless wants to bury white-trash past under work & brilliance & ruthlessness trying too hard, sure to break somewhere keep watching for chinks RP yes-man topping out, ready to fall let it happen, use for small favors but w/out commitment no threat LMe useful, but watch close thinks hes smarter than he is will run gofer if he believes itll lead to advancement, or double-cross for same possible patsy? think on it AR not my section, but promising seems realistic in his ambitions, seems to know his limitations, & knows how to handle Hlaat-tuuc which way, reliable undemanding sex or controllable ally? cant have both, decide by Tues. Project Status:
All in hand, except for possible AI complications (hard to avoid, psychic tipoff means they can pop up anywhere) wish we could just kill them, I hate prophecies what about turning tables? open attack forbidden, but make them deal with distractions, complications bkgrnd info thru FtS opens up possibilities make use of SunD connection, move against that bunch, get AI preoccupied w/events elsewhere start them reacting instead of initiating, good diversionary cast if nothing else
Even here, better to avoid direct action exploit weaknesses, foment discord, nourish any potential problems bringing them down gratifying but irrelevant, idea is to make a big splashy disaster, so aim for whatever contributes to disruption
Preliminary analysis (working from memory here, need more data):
BS undisciplined, no focus, Valley Girl w/muscle weakness for sex, loses objectivity when shes involved w/anyone bad experiences w/betrayal (father, lover [A], Watcher, sister [FtS]), could use to build paranoia, distrust savior complex, wouldnt deal well if one of her inner circle were killed (ego would make her see that as personal failure) martyr complex (still moaning why me? when shes a major player) coupled w/superiority complex (she is superior, just not everywhere she thinks), could work that to alienate her, build resentment RG deliberately repressed, wild past could be a mover & shaker, but lets himself be demoted to supporting role intellectual arrogance? would certainly be justified if BSs prideful ignorance hasnt been exaggerated little love life reported, but no eunuch, you dont play w/demons unless you have large appetites chk possibilities w/in SunD crew, but hes probably insulated himself against that, so temptation from outside would be better approach fired by Watchers (too much affection for his Slayer, chk that too), good source of injured pride & fears of failure/ inferiority now at the age where men start to question self/ motives/ achievements, ripe for turning if proper pressure applied XH disregard except for ways he might be used to trigger others (BSs martyr complex, RGs pseudo-father issues, WRs sexual ambiguity) non-player, not important A? former demon? no such thing chk for psychiatric history no ideas now, see what develops w/better info WR rich field for exploitation violating her ancestral religion w/Wicca hobby, violating her moral upbringing w/girl-girl indulgences, & still sees herself as the good one of the bunch enough mystical capacity reported to make her useful for stirring things up, even though shell never be big league said to be loved by all (FtS almost spitting over this part), but have to be some fissure lines there TM little known longer bkgrnd in earth-magic than WR, about the same level of power weaker personality, easily susceptible to threat chk family history, could be useful material new to group, riding on WRs coattails, sure to be insecurities make her resentful of them (pump up outsider status), or use her as a lever to pull WR away from them move quick if at all, she wont be around long, just a passing tool for WRs gratification RF too good to be true, Mom & apple pie & America capable of some independent thought, or he wouldnt have separated from his unit (need more data there), but that wont hold follower, not leader, wants someone to tell him what to do if BS tires of having to give all the orders, hell roll back to Uncle Sam should be easy to manipulate, but best used as an accent rather than originator of conflict JS mixed reports here clueless victim, or firm foundation? FtS no help, her own perceptions/ wishes scrambled study closer, family always a good source for trouble, but really useful only there outskirts of BSs life, unlikely to be anything else (except maybe as First Victim) Scenarios:
Promote actual or apparent involvement RG-BS or RG-JS, possibly both at once RG being current father-surrogate for BS, entanglements would be complicated & volatile Promote actual or apparent involvement WR-XH or WR-A?, maybe both WR sexual greediness makes nice pivot point dont forget possible WR-JS, that would really explode things Increase danger to (or even deliberately cause death of) WR, XH, JS, A? or TM one or more fatalities, esp. the right ones, could open fatal rifts Promote alienation (separately or in complementary parallel) of BS, RG, WR, TM all the big guns or those w/access to them could do same w/RF, but thatll probably happen on its own & w/out much impact unless artificially enhanced either create dissension w/in the group, or actually try to move one over to the Dark Side RG would be most valuable, but hardest to get fully committed TM would be easiest (if theres a backbone anywhere in there) but of least usefulness WR best candidate overall, would make a worthwhile project herself if any real power was there Bring in outsider involvement to create external complications wherever possible already happening w/WR-TM & BS-RF, but TM wont last long & RF wont have much impact focus on RG for now, something to split his attention or bring his loyalties into question or, get some significant player linked to JS, that would stir the pot good move would be to aim ?Bryce at JS, or VBryce at RG if she should survive her fathers tribute, or both (monitor that one as it develops) Many possibilities stick to First Principles, its always about power, pride, or sex they already have the power & have resisted being corrupted (unless RGs midlife crisis blossoms or WRs awakening extends past mattress gymnastics), & pride is best used in tandem w/other issues, but theyre all vulnerable to sex BS the stupidest (the first one is True Love, the next one is Still Trying, everything after that is self-delusion), but WR the most extreme & most promising (actually, shes ego & sex & desire for power all rolled together, if she had power to match the craving for it shed be the perfect weapon) theyre heroes, think theyre immune just because theyre the Good Guys havent they ever wondered why moral laws always focus on sex? thats the opening wedge for everything else Good & Evil sounds grand, glorious, but you cant hold it together unless youre solid on Right & Wrong, no intern survives a week at WRH without getting those priorities straight
Worth following through put LMe on getting more info or, make him think its his own idea, plausible deniability between me & HM in case its seen as a waste of resources hide everything from LMc, he might use as ammunition (or worse, find a way to take credit for it) work out more details tomorrow
Weakness, its always a matter of weakness doesnt matter how strong they are, find their vulnerable point & strike there, theyll fall best part is, they usually cant recognize it as a weakness, its just part of who they are
acorn squash, ghee, shining noodles at market erbit lungs from Commissary (marinate immediately, sherry & 1 tbsp white vinegar) candles (dripless) bath beads extra cartridges from Ordnance, .32 only bag cotton balls new sheets maybe Egyptian cotton this time? think on it
– end –[ A supplementary drabble for this story can be seen HERE. ]
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