Quick overview:
The stories in the Backstage Series are intended to fit seamlessly into canon. They contain elements that canon never showed, but don’t directly contradict nor are contradicted by canon itself. (This covers all seven TV seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and all five seasons of Angel: the Series, but no other. Despite Joss Whedon’s statement that the BtVS “Season 8” [and thereafter] comics are a canonical continuation of the series, I do not feel compelled to accept it as such. It’s just gone a little too weird in a few too many places.)
The Queenverse Stories, done in partnership with SRoni, are AU, and so except that the principal character makes an appearance in “Each Proud Division” (#15) are separate from the Backstage Series.
The Independent Stories are exactly that: unlinked either to one another or to the Backstage entries.
The Snapshots series is made up of collections of drabbles, but these are 1) canon-
consistent, and 2) drabbles based on my own Backstage stories. I know, self- indulgent and egotistical, but then so am I. The Drabbles are mostly (but not all) canon-consistent, and dont count as part of the Backstage Series.
(The Other Fandoms section covers those occasional stories that actually stand outside the universe of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel. Enjoy, but don’t try to make connections; there aren’t any.)
(If you want to see the stories I’ve done as crossovers, click this link.)
(If you want to see a separate listing of my remixes, click this link.)
“Stirred, Not Shaken” is a list of remixes of my work by other authors. (And each one a standalone, of course, unconnected to any other work.)
One final note: it’s a matter of pride to me that the Backstage entries have been so carefully constructed that I’ve never been Jossed. All these stories, to the best of my knowledge, remain in congruence with the facts of the original series, and any seeming variations can be justified in one way or another. If you see anything that seems to be contradicted by canon, let me know! I’ll either argue with you, or see if it can be corrected. Either way, I’ll appreciate the attention.
the Backstage Series (click this link for a chronological listing)
Queenverse Stories (with SRoni)
Q01 God Save the Queen* Q02 Queen’s Gambit *Remixed see “Stirred, Not Shaken”
SN01 Snapshots 01 SN02 Snapshots 02 SN03 Snapshots 03 SN04 Snapshots 04
D01 Memory D02 Adversary D03 Soulless D04 Parting Shot D05 Quatrain D06 Fish and Visitors (with VastId) D07 Check and Mate D08 Best Served Cold D09 Junior Deviants D10 Rest for the Wicked D11 Sight Unseen D12 Sunnydale Saturday D13 Absent Friends D14 Passing Strange D15 Lifes Little Mysteries D16 Fortunate Son D17 Official Attention D18 Aftermath D19 Dead to Rights D20 Needs Must D21 To the Nines D22 Curtain Call Other fandoms (yes, I’ve done a few)
X01 Savant [Alias] X02 Icarus [DCU] X03 Spur of the Moment [MacGyver/Modesty Blaise] (with SRoni) X04 After-Action Report [Magnum, P.I.] X05 In Words of Light and Flame [the Book of Eli] X06 A Breath on the Embers [the Hunger Games]* X07 the Lesson of the Butterfly [Mission: Impossible] *Remixed see “Stirred, Not Shaken” “Stirred, Not Shaken” Remixes of my work
R01 the Dance of Death Remix by faith1922 from “Voices in the Dark” R02 Twisted Road by SRoni from “Hell Hath No Fury” R03 A Cool, Dry Place by globalfruitbat from “Hell Hath No Fury” R04 Abandon Hope by Snick from “All Ye Who Enter” R05 Finding Freedom by SunnyD_lite from “Seeking the Woman” R06 Rumination by froxyn from “Voices in the Dark” R07 Grand Inquest by eilandesq from “Icarus” R08 the Princess Diaries by lwbush from “God Save the Queen” R09 Sunnydale Stakeout by Deird1 from “ Than Meets the Eye” R10 Secret Gardens by SRoni from “Point of Focus” R11 She Didn’t Really Like High School Anyway by SlayMeSoftly from “Come to My Window” R12 Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc by Brutti Ma Buoni from “Ex Post Facto” R13 Light a Spark by Evil Little Dog from “A Breath on the Embers” R14 Pomp and Circumstances by FlyingCarpet from “Echoes from the Battleground” R15 The Man by Dragon’s Phoenix from “Critical Review” R16 Improvising Modesty by M. Scott Eiland from “Spur of the Moment” R17 One to Go by Deird1 from “Into the Abyss” R18 Déjà Without a View by Velvetwhip from “Dusk Over Pompeii” R19 As Water Unto Wine by SRoni from “As Moonlight Unto Sunlight” R20 Final Exam by eilandesq from “Learning Curve” R21 Never Known by Frogfarm from “Tip of My Tongue”
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